
Spring Offers Us the Opportunity for Renewal

by Sarah K. Grundy with photos by Sakara Life and Kennedy Haffner

Spring into the season by cleansing and rejuvenating your body, mind, life, and beauty cabinet. Flowers are blooming, ice is melting and renewal is on the horizon! It's time to release some of what won't serve you through the second half of the year. Here is some Spring cleanse inspiration to greet the season with an increase in energy, vitality, and positivity!

Small changes make a big impact over time when done regularly. Start a new exercise regimen, morning routine, or nutrition plan. Here are a few ideas!


Get moving! Start a new 30-day yoga journey! There must be a special reason almost 10 million people love Yoga with Adriene and rave about her yoga videos. Find out why with Breath, A 30 Day Yoga Journey and get your body and mind moving.

Get excited with a new morning routine! The Miracle Morning is a transformational read and includes a simple method for tapping into the benefits of the early morning hours. Hal Elrod created SAVERS for a 5-minute morning routine that includes silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and journaling!

Get cleansed and nourished! Sakara Life takes meal programs, detoxes, and nutrition to another level. Their Level II: Detox supports a Spring cleanse reset for body and mind with ready-to-eat, organic meals delivered to your door, as well as an array of other healthy options!

Cleanse your Feed

If you’re scrolling social media upgrade your feed! Ask yourself, "Does this inspire me? Does this encourage healthy habits? How does this make me feel?" 

We love Holly Owens @wellthybelly and Kennedy Haffner @thehealthyhaff on Instagram. Holly reminds us of the power of a sauna sweat to rid our body of toxins with her regular visits to one of our favorites, Higher Dose, and motivates others' journey by sharing her own. Holly’s healing adventures are an education! Check out her store!

Kennedy @thehealthyhaff brightens our day with delicious and healthy pancake stacks as well as reminds us to check in with ourselves mentally and emotionally. Psychological health is as important as physical health, yet often neglected or ostracized when out of balance. 

Uplift with Kennedy's invigorating Raspberry Matcha recipe! Frozen then thawed raspberries, some raspberry ice cubes (raspberries frozen inside of ice cubes), Matcha Love Organic Ceremonial Matcha Powder + oat milk.

Tag us in your favorite healthy maven posts, inspo, or your favorite accounts @seedphytonutrients! We're also cleansing our feed!

Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate!

Like plants shed pollen and petals in Spring we also need to release a few layers this time of year! Remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin and make room for new healthy cells. Use your loofah for deep exfoliation, sea sponge for gentle exfoliation, and dry brushing to detoxify, increase blood circulation, promote lymph flow and drainage. Dry brushing is a critical and overlooked step in exfoliation that unclogs pores and stimulates the nervous system. We love this one from Goop! Exfoliate gently 2-3 times per week and use circular motions in the process for approximately 30 seconds for best results! Don’t overdo it and moisturize immediately after exfoliating. 


Cleanse your Beauty Cabinet

Out with the old and in with the new! Peruse your beauty cabinet and ask yourself, "Is this product healthy for me and will it support my Spring cleansing?" Progress over perfection! We all have products we may make compromises for, but take this time to take a deeper look and reevaluate which formulas serve you best at this time.

Check the expiration dates on your favorite products and properly dispose of those that are expired.

 Wash and recycle, send our pumps to Pact and follow our recycling guide to make sure you are doing your part. Organize your cabinet and reserve a special section for almost expired products that are on their way out. 

Shed the old and embrace the new. Not because it's easy, but because the outcome is wildly rewarding and you're worth it! Tag us in your favorite ways to renew! Happy Spring!

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